All About Me

Hello my name is Evan Townsend i am 14 years old and i ski and i drive my golf cart. I have many friends that i like to have play dates with and we drive my golf cart and do naughty things that our mommy’s would spank us for. my golf cart is my best friend and we do everything together i broke it July 25th 2018 by rolling it with 8 people on it my mommy and daddy took it away till i fixed it and spanked me and i broke my foot from the golf cart falling on it when it rolled. when i fixed it i had to go on a vacation and my friends were all hanging out without me and stole my golf cart out of my garage and crashed it. It is now currently broken and does not work. I am trying to fix it but it is tough. I also have a Yamaha zuma it is a beautiful 50 cc scooter that I drive around every were and if I crash it my daddy will spank me.

I also have an auntie that spanks me when I do a naughty but she’s a little strange she’s not really an auntie her name is auntie, auntie Borgenstein she like watches over me like a nanny but don’t call her that she will spank you and wined up her arm for extra power but she watches me like a hawk. if I’m home past curphew spankings to the bottom its not fun and if I get to much bubble gums spanks me again and if I run she’s a Olympic track star so she runs super fast so always be cautious of auntie. and if I get too much jones sodas she spanks me extra hard because her ex husband was named Daqavas Jones and hates him so I’m not allowed to drink them.

I also love Danny Duncan, Charles Ross, And Nelk boiiz. If you are wondering who these guys are they are the best you tubers ever and if you think Jake Paul and Logan Paul are better I’m going to call auntie to spank you because they are the worst ever and should die. I watch them every day because I’m there biggest fan.





